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Veteran’s Day 2019 at Bear Island Brewing

We had a lot of fun teaming up with Amber Mausling at Boise Premier Real Estate and Beth Bechtel at Bear Island Brewing to honor our Military on Veteran’s Day! #BossBabes

We bought over 160 pints of beer for our Veterans… no one went thirsty!

Made some fun friends along the ways.  Even got a photo op with a #HugeJackmanDoppelganger

Connected with friends in the real estate and mortgage industry too! Benchmark’s own Matt Van Ronzelen and his buddy, Chad Rohr, from Mission 43 and Front Door Real Estate stopped by.

Met lots of military spouses who had both served.

Enjoyed sharing stories.

And had a lot of fun along the way!

And the team finished the evening strong!
